Athletes (2023)


Approx. 14mins.

Seeking God

Speaker: Rylie Boone | OU Softball Player

As a student-athlete, you can be pulled in many different directions and listen to many other voices. Hear Rylie Boone of the University of Oklahoma softball team share her experiences of seeking God in the chaotic world of being a busy student-athlete. 


Approx. 11mins.

Dating as a Christian Athlete

Speaker: Michael Turk & Grace Lyons | OU Athletes

Dating can be hard to navigate in our world today. Add the crazy busy life as a student-athlete, and there are a lot of questions that we can have. Michael Turk and Grace Lyons answer these questions in this break-out session with the Truth of God. Both Division 1 Athletes, Michael and Grace, take us through their journey and answer the dating questions we may have on our journey. 


Approx. 15 mins.

The Performance Trap

Speaker: Amy Richards   FCA Staff - EVP of Marketing & Communications

As athletes and coaches, we want to latch our identity onto what we do. And success—how well we compete; how much we win—fuels this activity-based identity. This is the performance trap, but there is Someone greater who defines us. 


Approx. 5mins.

Be the One

Speaker: Chloe Roberts | High School Athlete

As a teenager, it can be hard when God has called us to stand out when we just want to fit in. Join Chloe as she dives into the story of Noah and discovers how he could remain firm in his faith when those around him disobey. 

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